Sunday, 1 February 2015

Chocolate Junkie Bowl

Craaaaaaaazy chocolate cravings tonight.

Apparently, chocolate addiction is a thing. I have it, I'm sure. I've finally narrowed down the moments when the cravings hit. When I'm super tired and stressed (Smallest Offspring refuses to sleep properly for two days); and after the Offspring are all in bed, with the cuppa Mr makes me each evening as we blob on the couch.

I've never smoked, nor been addicted to alcohol or drugs, so I don't have much to go on here by way of comparison, but I'm pretty sure the perpetually running script in my mind could be substituted for what it must be like to try to come off these other addictive substances:  'eat chocolate now, go on, just a little bit, go out and buy some, the service station is open late, you deserve it, just one bit won't hurt, you won't have to eat it again tomorrow, just once today, you could have some and no one will know..... ' and so it goes on.

Having 'given up' sugar, somehow chocolate (delicious, creamy amazing New Zealand Whittakers Chocolate) is really putting up a fight.

It wasn't until about 10pm when I realised I might be able to assuage the cravings in a sugar free (and late-night-outing-avoiding) kind of way.

Chocolate Junkie Bowl

3 large dollops of Greek Yoghurt (probably about 1 cup, if we're measuring)
1 tablespoon raw organic cacao powder
1 tablespoon raw organic cacao nibs
1/2 banana, choppped.

Mixed that lot up, demolished it in short order. Cravings gone.

Now, if we can just work out how to get the Smallest Offspring to fall asleep before midnight...